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"Thoughts While Creating"
Postcards from your life.
The day slowly unwinds.
Supper is over as we gather around the campfire to celebrate our last night at the cabin. All of the family is here.
The sky is full of stars, the skein of geese fly overhead, and the fire lights the darkness. We will sit around the campfire tonight and tell stories, sing songs, and just remember.
My grandparents, who built this cabin, recall when they discovered this place of beauty and solitude. My parents, who spent many a summer night here, recall the year they met and awkwardly held hands for the first time. And me and my siblings, still caught up in the innocence of youth will remember how we found excitement in every new adventure. From our first time catching a fish to running in the woods and meeting new friends.
Like every other page in a book these pages will turn and become worn and faded, but the memories of the time we have spent together will be cherished forever in our hearts and will live on as postcards from our lives.
Image History
August 14th, 2014 - Image Released