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"Thoughts While Creating"
The world is full of excess noise that is difficult to ignore.
Technology has provided a new method of connectivity that is unlike anything ever seen or heard before in the history of human kind. Constant contact to stressful situations is removing all moments to relax and reflect. Your inner voices do not scream, yell, or continuously nag to get your attention. They find peaceful ways to bring the important information to the surface. Words, ideas, and feelings are like subtle whispers that flow into your soul.
How can we expect to hear any of the tranquil whispers if they are at the subtle frequencies and the day to day noise overwhelms us at the highest decibels? It has been said that to be a consumer is to be consumed.
So turn it off, turn it down, integrate with nature, and the tranquil whispers will become like a conversation with an old and wiser friend.
Image History
March 19th, 2014 - Image Released